With 2005 come and gone, there have be a lot of "Best of…" and Top 10 lists.
…and Theater Hopper didn’t earn a spot on any of them.
But I don’t care about that! Because, my friends, I earned a spot on the only webcomic-related list that really matters. The Top 15 Most Hot Webcomic Artists of 2005!
Clark Gable? Oh, yea! Suck on that, you critically acclaimed posers! I’M HAWT!
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Jan 13, 2010 | TOP 10 OF 2009 |
A lot has been made about Viggo Mortensen and his naked knife fight in Eastern Promises. I haven’t seen the movie, so I don’t know if it fits within context or not. It could be wholly gratuitous. Who knows? Typically you don’t see man-meat on screen unless it’s a sex scene so maybe that’s what all the talk is about. It seems somewhat out of place for an actor of Mortensen’s caliber to be running around nude for the sake of it.
Unless of course, you know… he’s a freak.
I talked to Cami about this movie and she wasnt interested in seeing it after we caught Mortensen and director David Cronenberg’s last collaboration A History of Violence on cable a few months ago. I consider it to be one of the more mild Cronenberg movie and it thoroughly disgusted her.
I *ahem* dangled the proposition of a naked Viggo on screen in Eastern Promisies and she didn’t take the bait. "I’m sorry," she said. "But girls don’t find that part of the male anatomy attractive." I’m glad she shared that with me. Now I know she’s only married to me for my money.
Just kidding. I’m poor.
Not much else for you at the moment. But I do want to encourage you to come to the site tomorrow. I have a DVD review for the John Cusack / Samuel L. Jackson haunted hotel room horror flim 1408 that I’m posting. Coincidentally, the 2-disc extended edition of 1408 comes out on DVD tomorrow. So it’s good timing!
I don’t know if you guys have noticed that I’ve been sneaking reviews into the archives recently. Last week I reviewed 30 Rock – Season One and that went over… okay. I’m hoping to do more and more of these as the weeks go on. Who knows? I might be able to turn out a couple of reviews a week if I’m lucky. Stay tuned!
I guess I haven’t been making a big deal out of that fact that I’ve been outputting comics three times a week just like I used to. Part of me feels like I need to go out there an promote it. But the other part recognizes that the transition has been somewhat sloppy. So it’s probably best to say "I’m back!" and leave it at that.
See you in the funny pages!