Our good buddy Leatherface wants you to enjoy his holiday feast. No, it’s not what you think. He’s honestly turned over a new leaf! Isn’t he the happy host!
For our international readers, tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. A holiday born from the symbolic brotherhood between the indigenous people of the Americas and their future white oppressors from across the ocean. But no one talks about small pox blankets anymore.
Perhaps I’m being glib. Really Thanksgiving is a good excuse to get together with family and eat a big meal. I’ve been looking forward to this year’s festivities since about September.
Coming up with a comic that was both holiday-related and movie-related is no small order. I’ve managed to pull it off in years gone by. But it’s getting tougher and tougher to conceptualize something. Seems like every Hollywood offering that has to do with this time of year centers around an excentric family that someone just can’t manage to get along with! Darn!
Take the upcoming The Family Stone, for example. Sarah Jessica Parker (or SJP to her fans) plays an uptight urban dweller brought home to meet the quirky family of the favorite son. There are several awkward exchanges, terse glances, and wacky hijinks ensure. I’m sure there will be a food fight in there somewhere. And, in the end, grand reconsiliation. Because, hey! We’re FAMILY, right?!
:: fade to black ::
At any rate, when I do a Thanksgiving strip, it’s my goal to reach a few steps beyond the whole "families are crazy!" cliche. But then again, if Tom stomping around in a Leatherface costume isn’t crazy, I don’t know what is!
To our America readers, if I don’t catch up with you sooner, have a safe and happy holiday. More wacky hijinks in this spot on Friday!
Something I forgot to mention in my post this morning… Last night the good man from UPS delivered a very large box to my doorstep. What was inside? Why, only a whole gaggle of t-shirts, baby doll tees and hoodies! So that means those of you who ordered items long ago and have been exceptionally patient waiting for their delivery won’t have to wait much longer.
Thanksgiving kind of throws a wrench into things this week in terms of shipping things out. But there’s no reason I can start stuffing envelopes so they’re ready to go on Friday! Hopefully everyone will see their orders completed sometime next week. Hey, at least you get them before Christmas!
Once again, sincere thanks to everyone who has shown patience and understanding. I’m just one guy with limited resources, so unfortunately, things sometimes fall behind. In the future when I return clothing items to the store – and I don’t know when that will be, but it will likely be with new designs! – I will make a more dilligent effort to put a timeline around things. To say "pre-orders are two weeks, recieving printed shirts is two weeks, distribution is one week – you’ll get your shirt in 5 to 6 weeks." I want to be the reliable guy. That’s my New Year’s resolution. I’m making it the day before Thanksgiving.
Super shout-out to Brunetto Shirts. They are the only t-shirt printing company I’ve worked with since starting this whole thing and their excellent service ensures that I’ll continue to use them for a long time to come!
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Something else I wanted to take a moment to pimp is the $10 sale going on over at Threadless right now.
Some of you know that I am a big fan of Threadless. I actually have a shirt that I designed that was for sale there for a while. It’s out of stock right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t request a reprint! Actually, I have another design that I’m working on for them, but it’s not ready just yet. Keep your eyes peeled for it. I’ll be sure to let everyone know when it’s for sale.
Anyway, they’re having their big holiday sale where ever shirt is $10. Truthfully, you’re not going to find a better deal than that for clothes this cool and original.
I’m encouraging everyone I know to check out what they have to offer and to follow this link when they do so:
http://www.threadless.com/?streetteam=Tom Brazelton
Y’see, if you follow that-there link and make a purchase, then I get points placed in my account for referring the sale. Pretty slick, huh? Then I can buy some shirts and then we can both be cool together – if hundreds of miles apart.
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