November 16th, 2005 | by Tom

(4 votes, average: 9.25 out of 10)
Did Tom end up getting his post-op lolly pop? Only one way to know for sure.
Not much to say about today’s comic. As you can see, it’s a continuation from Tom’s plunger episode from Monday.
Still excited to see Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire this weekend. That’s probably first on my list. But did you guys know that Walk the Line is also coming out this weekend? That one kind of flew under the radar, but the advance reviews have been great. Probably see it this weekend as well.
I have a lot of things outside of movies to celebrate this weekend. Too much detail to go into here, but people who have been following my LiveJournal know the score. I’m preparing myself to hit a personal milestone on Saturday and I’m pretty excited about it.
In terms of professional (or quasi-professional) milestones, we’re about to hit one here at Theater Hopper as well. Can you believe in less than two weeks we’ll be celebrating the 500th Theater Hopper comic? I have some plans that will be unvieled at that time that will greatly improve your use of the site, so talk it up to your friends and be on the lookout. It’s going to be great.
Oh, and the comic will be funny, too!
Something I mentioned on Monday but didn’t get much feedback on… Do any of you guys know how I can get in touch with the marketing groups that are responsible for placing the ads for movies on web sites? Look at Hollywood Elsewhere or Superhero Hype. See how those guys have big banners for all the upcoming movies? I want something like that.
It’s kind of difficult to talk about with you guys. After all, we’re talking about advertising that clutters up your entertainment experience. But it’s unfortunately a fact of life. Personally, I would rather host ads that are more specific to your interests rather than rely on Chitika ads or Google AdSense to randomly pull something out of a hat. I do notice that during the times that AdSense conjures up something like the ads for A History of Violence or more recently Aeon Flux, click-thrus increase. That is why I am supremely confident that if I can find advertising that speaks to you, you’ll investigate it. Plus, it won’t look like so much digital littering has been going on around here.
Anyway, if you guys have any in-roads as to how to contact these marketing groups – or maybe you work for one, who knows? – drop me a line. I’m interested in working something out.
Talk to you soon!