No blog just yet because it’s 1:00 in the morning. I really wish I could write these out in advance, but frankly, I’m not that smart.
I had a crazy movie weekend and watched Million Dollar Baby, Sideways and Garden State on DVD in the span of 24 hours. I want to talk to you about it, but I’d like to wait until I don’t have to pause for 30 seconds between each word to make sure the spelling looks right.
In the meantime, why don’t you vote for Theater Hopper at buzzComix. Today’s incentive sketch isn’t comic-related, but instead a portrait of my beagle Truman. He’s made a few appearances in the comic in days of yore. Tuesday is his birthday. He turns 3. I love that little furry freak.
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May 28, 2004 | POETIC JUSTICE |
May 4, 2005 | COMMENTARY LATER |
Hello! Just wanted to give birthday shout outs to my friends Adam and Mark. Adam’s birthday was Friday and Mark’s is today. Good job guys, you make it look easy.
On a sadder note, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson died Sunday of an apparent suicide. More information can be found here.
I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with my buddy Steve 63 times during the last two years of college, cementing me as a Thompson fan. If you haven’t read The Rum Diary and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas you are missing out. I also really enjoyed Hell’s Angels. Some of his other, more political work is less favorable to me as it is not as timeless.
I encourage you to check out his work.
I’ll be frank and tell you that today’s comic is pretty much just me screwing with you. It’s fun to kind of hint that the arc might be ending and then pull the rug out from under you.
I know that we’ve been going with this storyline for a while (since January 3, to be exact), but the fact that we’re only two comics away from the big 400 should be a clue as to when things will wrap up.
You know what will be really cool when this story line ends – I will have started it on #375 and ended it on #400. I wish I could say I planned it that way, but I didn’t. I just love when these little milestones are book ended so well.
Oh, and another reason why the arc has to end on Friday is because the Oscars are being broadcast on Sunday. Which in turn means that I will OFFICIALLY have something worth while to comment on in the world of movies. Hey, when they’re dumping steaming turds like Are We There Yet? and Son of the Mask into theaters, I’ll take anything I can get!
As I mentioned previously, I watched a virtual butt-load of movies this weekend.
We started out Friday night by trying to go to Sideways, but the movie started at 7:05 and we got there at 7:20. Everyone I was with said “So what? We’ve only missed the trailers.” But of course, as a completionist, I threw a big fit and we went to see Million Dollar Baby instead.
What can I say about this film? It’s probably my favorite dramatic piece this year and I think it should win Best Picture for sure. I think Academy voters will give it to The Aviator for its sheer spectacle, but that’s a mistake. I don’t think I have ever been as emotionally invested in a movie like this for a long time.
I had read advance reviews that explained how the movie is set up one way for the first two acts, but totally turns you on your ear in the third act. So I knew there was a twist, but I didn’t know what.
As the movie gained a wider release, people started writing about the third act and tried to stir up controversy around it. I deliberately avoided these articles and, actually, I’m kind of proud of myself for it. Usually I gobble up every bit of advance press I can find, but this time I exercised a little willpower. I’m happy that I did. The third act wouldn’t have as much emotional power if you knew what was coming.
All I can say is that if you haven’t seen this movie, please, please, PLEASE see it before Sunday. You won’t regret it.
Anyway, after seeing Million Dollar Baby Friday night, Cami and I caught a matinee of Sideways on Saturday. One of my co-workers told me that he had seen the movie and didn’t think much of it. He commented that all of the characters were pretty miserable and unlikable. But I’m an Alexander Payne fan, so I kind of knew what I was getting into before I checked it out.
Although I imagine I could have gotten more out of the film if I were perhaps middle-aged, I really liked Sideways. The ending really did it for me. I thought it was note-perfect, and that goes a long way toward leaving a favorable impression in my book.
I think a lot of people can recognize Paul Giamatti’s character from their own experience. Devastated by a divorce, he becomes sad, defeated, damaged and intent on destroy himself in small increments – he becomes everybody’s burden. You sit there and watch him and hope for him to overcome his struggle. You want him to hook up with Virgina Madsen’s character. You want him to be happy and dispose of that voice in his head that says he doesn’t deserve it.
Giamatti’s character represents this grand struggle I found very relatable. He wants to be more than he is but feels held back by life or circumstances. When really, he’s the only one holding him back.
I know that sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, but that’s what I got from it.
The only movie I didn’t see this weekend that I wanted to was Constantine. Cami read some negative reviews and signed off on it. I wasn’t surprised. Her interest in it was tenuous at best. It’s a comic book movie about demons and stars Keanu Reeves. It doesn’t exactly have “chick flick” stamped all over it.
But despite my better instincts, I still want to see it. I think I’ll go see it by myself tonight while Cami is at her night class. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to the theater by myself, but I’ve missed too many crappy comic book adaptations to let one more slide. Oh Blade: Trinity and The Punisher! I hardly got to know you!