No blog just yet because I have a lot of ground to cover and I want to make sure I’m thinking straight.
In the meantime, why don’t you big on my original art auction featuring violence against Ben Affleck?! Suitable for framing!
I realized that as I was working on today’s comic, I hadn’t prepared an incentive sketch for everyone to view when the voted for Theater Hopper at buzzComix. By the time it had occurred to me, it was well past midnight and Tom’s sleepy-time.
So instead of drawing a whole new sketch, I half-assed it and reinterpreted panel 3 of today’s comic. Click on the link if you’re interested. It’s the first full color incentive sketch I’ve ever done. It’s a movie one-sheet for an upcoming action picture starring Cami and Charlie.
Gotta tell you it feels good to move the action outside of that bathroom. Now that Cami and Charlie are free from their confines, we’re one step closer to resolution and a return to more topical humor in the strip.
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve enjoyed bringing Charlie into the mix. But just as I felt I was repeating myself at the end of 2004, I’m starting to feel like I’m repeating myself in this longer storyline. Look over the last three strips. There’s a dramatic dramatic Dragon Ball Z Super Sayin moment in all three of them. I guess in more highbrow art circles, they would call that “a triptych”, but I’m just ready to go back to fine-tuning my strengths.
Doing this storyline was like working a different set of muscles. Let’s say the deltoids. But I’m ready to start working my biceps again because that’s what gets the ladies talkin’! The biceps or the pectorals. Oh! Oh! Or the glutes! The glutes!
Anyway, we’re winding things up. I wanted you to know that.
I’ve been really excited for this weekend because Cami and finally buckled down and said, “That’s it! We’re seeing all the Best Picture nominees this weekend and that’s final!” We’ve already seen Ray and The Aviator. This weekend we’re planning to see Million Dollar Baby and Sideways.
I know, I know. If you comb through the last few blogs and were given a nickel for every time we said we were going to see these films, you’d
Something kind of neat happened recently. For the first time in a long time, Theater Hopper has filled all five advertising spots available on the site!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, I thought it would be fun to run down the list of advertisers (with links, of course) and talk about what makes them so great.
You know. Aside from the fact that they were willing to spend money with me.
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