August 11th, 2003 | by Tom

(10 votes, average: 7.50 out of 10)
I’m continuing my experiment with creating actual backgrounds for the characters to stand in front of. This, as opposed to a sheet of color with a wacky pattern on it. I was beginning to feel like the characters inhabited a Jackson Pollock painting!
If you feel like rewarding the extra effort, send me a little vote love.
I don’t know how well toady’s comic is going to register with you guys. I sometimes get in trouble when I do more regional jokes – as evident by the crack I made about lacrosse in this strip. Apparently, it’s very popular in many schools.
That being said, there is a theater in my zip code that sells pickles on a stick at their concession stands. This is very odd to me because pickles are not commonly associated as a movie-going snack time option. For that matter, I know very few people who snack on pickles within the comfort of their own homes.
Perhaps somewhere there is a Grand Poo-bah of marketing that can explain this odd culinary choice – implemented in an attempt to reach out to the often ignored brine loving demographic.
Personally, I believe this phenomenon is more representative of theaters trying to be all things to all people. While offering every conceivable food item under the sun, movie houses are trying to remove the “dinner” quotient from “dinner and a movie”. They want you not only to be entertained by their films, but to dine in their theaters as well. In fact, if you would eat, sleep, breathe and die in theaters (while paying a nominal charge, of course) it would probably be okay with them.
Do you think I’m over reaching when I try to provide examples of theaters trying to tighten their grip around your disposable income? Tell me then why there are VIDEO GAMES, A CLAW MACHINE and GUMBALL DISPENSERS in my movie theater?
Maybe I’m a traditionalist, but I think theaters should be free from these trappings? They appeal to the sensibilities of cattle and not the serious movie goer.
I have more thoughts on this, but I’m eager to hear yours.
While you’re trolling about the forums, here’s another thought for your breadbasket.
I plan on selling advertising on the site very soon. I’ve recently acquired a very handy script that will allow those who purchase ads from me to view the effectiveness of their product placement. Impressions, click throughs and the like.
For the rest of you, don’t worry. I’m not selling to giant conglomos. Most likely purchasers will be other web comics and small businesses.
Regardless, I’ve hit a snag.
Right now, the site design does not allow for 468×60 banners at the top of the page. To compound problems, there is also a lack of real estate to place more than one ad.
This has me thinking that I need to redesign the site to accommodate these ads.
What I want from you is feedback. Do you like the look of the site? Is the navigation effective? There’s already a thread about this in the forum.