If someone called me up and said they were going to kill me, wouldn’t it be cool to have the balls to just walk away? It would never happen in the real world. I’d probably soil myself right there.
So after much delay, Phone Booth finally finds it’s way into wide release today. I’d like to go see it, but I have a feeling Cami isn’t interested in a suspense movie featuring hostages and snipers.
I’m more interested in seeing the thing on principal. It has a clever premise – one that was pitched to Alfred Hitchcock over 30 years ago by screenwriter Larry Cohen.
For those not familiar with the plot, a scummy ad executive is held hostage by a sniper who threatens to kill him if he hangs up the phone. His intention is to apparently force him into owning up to his own unscrupulous tendencies.
No doubt Hitch would have had more fun turning the screws, but from what I’ve heard, director Joel Schumacher doesn’t do too bad of a job. Other reviews I’ve read claim it will cement Colin Farrell’s status as an A-list star. Funny when you consider this thing was filmed almost 2 years ago
Something Hitch couldn’t have matched was the breakneck pace and method at which Phone Booth was filmed – they did it all in 11 days, in sequence on digital tape. In and of it self, I’m curious to see the results of such an approach. Granted, then entire movie basically takes place in the 30 feet surrounding a phone booth, with no costume changes or much else. But that’s commendable, especially for a studio flick.
Beyond that, life continues at a normal pace. This has been one hell of a week. I had to spend over $700 replacing the radiator and some pipe on the underside of my car. I hate to ask for a hand out, but this has really laid me up.
I hope the rest of you are well. Fire me an e-mail if you’ve got some time to spare.