Today’s strip details exactly what happens EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to see a movie in a big multiplex. Unfortunately, I run into this problem quite often because nearly EVERY theater in my hometown is a multiplex. Just another example of suburbianization gone wrong. And it seemed like such a good idea at the time…
Local boys will probably recognize the offending movie house at the Wynnsong 16. It used to be a cool place to go when it was new. Now they barely have enough people there to man one concession, let alone keep it clean or orderly.
That doesn’t stop people from coming back, though. And the reason is simple:
I could probably go on about all the things I hate about multiplexes… but I don’t want to dip my pen too deep into the Seinfieldian well.
Let’s just put it this way; I used to think the worst thing about going to the movies was sitting with the audience. But now I’m beginning to wonder if the theater owners aren’t against me, too.
Clearly the only solution is to build my own IMAX screen in the backyard like these guys. I can use it to watch shortened versions of Episode II and Apollo 13.
Here’s some notes of interest:
I’m getting rid of the forums. I’ve ceased to find use for them, and the maintenance is more than I care for. Not like there was much to maintain. We had a handful of subscribers, but nothing to scream about. Granted, they’re wonderful people, but I’ve opted to put the forum on the shelf until the site garners an audience large enough to demand one. Besides, I like Carrington’s forum so much more.
There is going to be a Theater Hopper documentary! Maybe this sounds like a toss off to the rest of you, but I’m excited about this project. Jared is going to put together a film chronicling the behind-the-scenes drama of creating a three-times-weekly online cartoon. The drama! The intrigue!
Actually, it does make for good documentary fodder. Although popular, the notoriety of web comics is somewhat limited by the medium. It’s not like they are printed daily in papers nationwide. It isn’t as though you could kill a little time reading one when the jumble has you stumped. You have to search this stuff out! And besides, have you ever seen a documentary about web comics?
We haven’t gotten started yet, but Jared is going to start gathering footage sometime this week. A film festival spurred him to action and the deadline is fast approaching, so he’s going to bust his hump to make something fantastic. We’ve spoke about selling the results on the site, but I have a sneaking suspicion that lawyers might have to be involved for that. Fair use, copyright and whatnot. We could be getting ahead of ourselves there.
We’ll be sure to keep you posted!
I forgot to mention a couples of new strips I’ve added to the links page. Both of these are new entries into the world of web comics, but their creators are as nice a lemonade on a hot summer day.
Why do I feel like whistling a jaunty tune?
Anyway, be sure make Go Eat A Spamwich and Scene Rascalin’ part of your weekly reads.
Also want to send a shout out to Mitch over at Nothing Nice To Say. He was cool enough to put a link to us in his blog and we’re seeing a flood of people coming in from his site. Thanks, Mitch!
Sidenote: I checked out Go Eat A Spamwich before posting this update and they’re currently down due to exceeding their bandwidth. But you should definitely bookmark them and check them out later. Great color penciled work.
This temporary stay is no doubt the Mitch’s handiwork. He also linked to G.E.A.S.
The power one man wields… scary…
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